Companies for Foam Boxes

Eng. Ibrahim Osman For Plastic

Address NULL - Alexandria - Egypt
Branches Al Max - Alexandria El Betash - Alexandria
Keywords Cellophane Bags - Foam Boxes - Plastic containers
Category Packing - Packaging - Supplies | Packing - Packaging Equipment

Hamed Moussa Factories

Address 6 Negm El Din St., El Abbasia - Cairo - Egypt
Branches El Abbasia - Cairo El Ataba - Cairo El Darasa - Cairo El Manshia - Alexandria
El Mansoura - Dakahlia
Keywords Aluminum containers - Cardboard containers - cardboard Fittings - Cardboard plates - Foam Boxes - Foam containers - Foam plates - Plastic containers - Plastic Packs
Category Containers | Plastic Products | Cardboard Products

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