Companies for Security companies in Giza

El Sahm Service For Security, Guard & Cleaning Services

Address 16, Talaat Harb St., Of Deiaa St., El Haram - Giza - Egypt
Branches El Haram - Giza
About Al-Sahm Service Company for Security, Guarding and Cleaning Services was established in 2004 on the concepts and principles upon which the major specialized and international companies in the fields of security and cleanliness are based, in terms of taking into account the human element and what follows from this being subjected to a series of training programs that qualify him so that he can work within Al-Sahm Service team, and this definitely requires equipping individuals and operations centers with specialized equipment and supplies to ensure the provision of the highest professional service to the customers. Al-Sahm Service Company is one of the promising companies licensed to practice internal insurance and integrated cleaning work and is chosen by the customers. Their precious trust is the highest goal of the Arrow Service Management, which includes experts specialized in the company’s various fields and activities. ...more
Keywords Security Company - Cleaning companies - Guard company - Villa insurance - Factories insurance - Facilities insurance - Security companies in Cairo - Security companies in Giza - Cleaning companies in Cairo - Cleaning companies in Giza
Category General Consultants | Safety - Security Equipment | Business Center | Cleaning Company
Tax number 677-745-443

Horas Misr Guards for Security

Address 116 Al Haram St, Al Kom Al Akhdar Station, Jumeirah Tower, 3rd Floor, Al Haram - Giza - Egypt
Branches El Haram - Giza
About Horas Misr Guards for Security and Guarding works in the field of securing and guarding facilities, integrated services, innovative, distinguished and reliable works and services through the best human cadres trained at the highest level and with the latest technological means. ...more
Keywords Security - Security Equipment - Security guard services - Security companies in Giza - Bank security - Facility insurance - Party Security - Factory Security - Security equipment and tools - Security guards - Camera monitors - Events Security - Embassy Security - Compound Security - Tourist village Security
Category Safety - Security Equipment | Surveillance Cameras
Tax number 381-524-345

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