Free listing

Middle East For Chemicals
Smouha - Alexandria

Address 354, Garden City St., Smouha
Telephones 03-4265721 - 03-4265723 - 03-4276125 -
Address 121, El Saraya St., & Galal El Desouky St., Smouha
Telephones 03-4249865 - 03-4249866 - 03-4249867 - 03-4250929 -
Address 23, Garden City St., Smouha
Telephones 03-4263107 -
Address 71, Garden City St., Smouha
Telephones 03-4202703 - 03-4202715 - 03-4202746 - 03-4202758 - 03-4253710 -
Address NULL
Telephones 03-4284809 - 03-4284810 -
Address El Noqta St., Smouha
Address 23 El Fardous St., Semouha
Telephones 03-4284809 - 03-4284810 -
Keywords Cosmetics
Category Chemicals Cosmetics
Recommended Company(s) Chemicals
A P and C
3,El Khalifa El Motea St., Nasr City - Cairo - Egypt
02-23848366 / 01023399098

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