Free listing

United Company For Pharmacists - UCP
Tanta - Gharbia

Address 10, El Maamon St., Tanta
Telephones 040-3347712 - 040-3347726 -
Address 32, El Ssaban St., Tanta
Telephones 040-3415044 - 040-3350824 - 040-3350913 - 040-3355903 -
Address 35, El Hayah St., Tanta
Telephones 040-3353516 - 040-3355850 -
Address 7, El Rakhaa St., Tanta
Telephones 040-3354385 - 040-3354502 - 040-3354503 - 040-3344304 -
Address NULL
Telephones 040-3342866 - 040-3342127 -
Hotline 16786
Category Scientific Offices Veterinary Medicine

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