Tanks in Belbis - Sharkia

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Chema Foam

Chema Foam

Address 36 Tut Ankh Amon St., Tanta - Gharbia - Egypt
Branches 10th Of Ramadan City - Sharkia Belbis - Sharkia Nasr City - Cairo Tanta - Gharbia
Category Ceiling | Cement | Concrete - Products | Tiles - Bricks | Insulation Supplies | Tanks | Chemicals
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Asherco Forindustries

Asherco Forindustries

Address Km 5, Misr Belbis Desert Rd., Industrial Zone, Belbis - Sharkia - Egypt
Branches Belbis - Sharkia Nasr City - Cairo
Keywords cars supplies Manufacturing and installation - Electrical Ladders - hydraulic and pneumatic circuits ins ...moreallation -
Category Car Body Repairs - Painting | Tanks | General Industry Supplies | Bus - Cars - Trucks Assembly - Preparation

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