Ships - Boats - Maritime in Moustafa Kamel - Alexandria

Al Baharia Shipping Co.

Address 1 El Nasr St., El Mansheya - Alexandria - Egypt
Branches Damiette - Damietta El Gomrok - Alexandria El Manshia - Alexandria Moustafa Kamel - Alexandria
Sidi Gaber - Alexandria
Category Shipping | Ships - Boats - Maritime
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Atlas Marine Services

Atlas Marine Services

Address 11, El Maraghy St., - Suez - Egypt
Branches Port Said - Port Said Suez - Suez Moustafa Kamel - Alexandria Suez - Suez
Keywords Shipping -
Category Shipping | Ships - Boats - Maritime

Moushlyco For Marine Services

Address 3 Aly Pasha Zou El Foqqar St., Mostafa Kamel - Alexandria - Egypt
Category Ships - Boats - Maritime

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