Chandelier - Art Collections in Garden City - Cairo

The Holding Company For Metallurgical Industries

Address 5, El Tolombat St., Garden City - Cairo - Egypt
Keywords Alloy obligation - Alloy steel castings - Alloy White - Aluminum Blocks - Aluminum cylinders - Aluminum ...moreold - Aluminum Tiles - Aluminum wire - Ammonium bicarbonate - Antiques and Gifts silver - Argon - Building statements Cruises - Carbon Steel Castings - Cast and Forged Flowers Karume - Castings - Castings, gray cast - Cast-iron pipes - Ceramic industries - concrete slab additives - Copper alloy phosphoric - Copper strips - Cranes - facades Brick - Floating docks building - Gears - Iron Castings - Iron pipes - Lead Pipes - lead Sheets - Lighting Poles - Liquid carbon dioxide - Manganese Steel Castings - Metal structures - Metro Vehicles - Mixed gas - Networks lying - Nickel Chrome Steel Castings - Nitrogen - Pipe fittings - Pure silver - Red copper wire - Refrigerator evaporators - Ship repair - Silica powder - Silver Plate - Skewers into flatter - Steel blocks - Steel Pipes - Steel sections - Steel skewers - Steel wire baste - Steel wire fiber - Tiles - trucks - Vanadium steel skewers - Water trucks - Wicker and hot-rolled sections - Zinc anode -
Category Mining | Aluminum Works | Aluminum Industry | Aluminum Products | General Industry Supplies | Gears | Rebar's | Iron and Steel | Die Casting | Metals - Supplies | Chandelier - Art Collections | Copper

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