Schools in Hurghada

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Elminaa Prep School

Elminaa Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Elshorouk Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Eltlaa Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Fadel Ahmed Hasan Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Fadel Ahmed Hasan Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Fadel Ahmed Hasan School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Fatma Alzahraa Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Fatma Alzahraa Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Fatma El Zahraa School

Fatma El Zahraa School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Gamal Abd Alnaser Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Gharib High School Girls

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Gharib Industrial School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Gharib Prep School

Gharib Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Gharib Technical Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Ibn Sina Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Ibn Sina Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Ibn Sinai Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Intellectual Education Elementary School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Kamal Aldin Hussien School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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Khouar Rahma Prep School

Address NULL - Hurghada - Egypt
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