Schools in Assiut - Assiut

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Alhelaly School

Alhelaly School

Address Madraset Koleyet El Banat St., Assiut - Assiut - Egypt
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Alhoreya Elementary School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alimam Aly Elementary School

Address Assiut - Assiut - Egypt
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Alimam Aly Ibn Aby Taleb Elementary School

Address Assiut - Assiut - Egypt
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Alimam Aly Ibn Aby Taleb School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alimam Mohamed Abdo Prep School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alimam Mohamed Abdo School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alkhayat Prep School

Alkhayat Prep School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alkhayat School

Alkhayat School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Allewaa Abd Alhaleim Mousa School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Almalak Faisal Elementary School

Address El Wastta - Assiut - Egypt
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Almohandes Eid Mohamed Ibrahim School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Almoshir Ahmed Ismail School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alnasr Elementary School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alnil Atheltic School

Alnil Atheltic School

Address El Nile St., - Assiut - Egypt
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Alnil Prep School

Alnil Prep School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alsaydah Aeisha Prep School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alshaer Fawzy El Antiel School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alshahid Abd Alrahim Omar High School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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Alshahid Ahmed Abd Almohsen Elementary School

Address NULL - Assiut - Egypt
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