Butcher in Shoubra Misr - Cairo

Butcher Salem Shoukry Salem

Address 17, Manyet El Seirg St., Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt
Category Butcher

Butcher Zakaria Mohamed Abu Zeid

Address 3, Fatoh Gonaina St., Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt
Category Butcher

Butcher Zaky Alsayed Alkersh

Address 17, Ahmed Hafez Awad St., Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt
Category Butcher

Alsayed Hammad Abd Alrasol Mohamed Hammad

Address 62, Haret El Ghitanya, - Cairo - Egypt
Category Butcher

Moursy Mohamed Mohamed Alsheikh

Address 115, Shoubra St., Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt
Category Butcher

Butcher Sharaf Moustafa Nasr

Address 21, Fouad St., Shoubra - Cairo - Egypt
Category Butcher

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