Schools in Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh

Alsaydah Aeisha Elementary School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alsaydah Aeisha Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alsayed Foda Elementary School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alsedik Elementary School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools
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Alsedik School

Alsedik School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alsedik School Previous Alsaydah Aeisha School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alshahid Aly Saleh Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Alshahid Ismail School

Alshahid Ismail School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alshahid Riad El Gadidah Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alshahid Riad Elementary School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Alshahid Riad Elqadema Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Alsheikh Mohamed Alwahidy Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Alsheikh Mohamed Wahib Prep School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Alsheikh Mubarak Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Alsheikh Mubarak Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Alsheikh Wahib Prep School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
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Aly Saleh Elementary School

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Amal School For Hearing & Speech Impaired

Address NULL - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Baltem El Gadidah Elementary School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

Baltem El Gadidah Elementary School

Address Baltim - Kafr El Shaikh - Egypt
Category Schools

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